Video Highlight – January 2013

January 29th, 2013|

When my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I had to make some changes – I had to do it now, and not wait! Here’s to helping you prioritize, execute and create the life you need NOW!

Participant Testimonial

January 29th, 2013|

COACH MKay’s Professional Development Series 6 Week Program Key Areas: Goal Setting, People Skills, Communication Styles, Dealing with Change & Stress, Leadership & Team Dynamics “Thanks Merikay. I feel empowered by what I learned and now am trying to practice. If one lasting thing came from it for me is to stop...think about the other

Tis the Season to Be……..

December 17th, 2012|

Christmas Blessings from Jeff, Merikay, (picture) Melinda 22, Harrison 13, Emma Freda 9 I called one of my college roommates last week and she asked how things were going? I began to rattle off all the my husband and son are singing in Follow the Star at Church, we are scheduled to ring the Salvation

Giving Appreciation

November 12th, 2012|

Mary Kay Ashe, founder of the giant cosmetics company encouraged all her employees to pretend that people they met would have a sign around their neck saying, “I am the most important person in the world.” Giving appreciation to our team is one way we can make them feel valued and important. After all, how

The Power of Teamwork

September 27th, 2012|

Inspired by the Blue Angels We kicked off our operating room team event with this video, check it out!

Creating a Positive Attitude & Environment

September 27th, 2012|

This past summer a group of consultants went to Vegas and toured the Zappos ‘C’ Suite. I was stoked when they sent this picture to our community network. Now THAT is a positive environment! How’s your work environment? Today I conducted a team retreat for the operating room department and one of the key focus

Perfection vs. Excellence

August 27th, 2012|

A few weeks ago I was with a dental client and John Jones from Patterson Dental Company walked in the front door, saw me sitting at the front desk and turned to his colleague and said, “Ms. Happy’s in the house.” I started laughing and said, “Hey!” Well, the funny thing is that I wasn’t

I went to the dark side….

July 9th, 2012|

This afternoon my 13 year old son came home and said, “I lost my suit.” In a matter of 3.7 milliseconds I realized that he had just thrown away a $40 swim team bathing suit two days before the final city swim meet of the season. I went to the dark side…..I looked at him

Get Them Fired Up

June 4th, 2012|

A client sent me this photo he found on twitter and I couldn’t help but think, what do we do to get our team to smile or get them fired up? What are the best ways to inspire people to get excited and have more fun at work? Here are my top 10 ideas for


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