Have you ever needed to talk to a team member and give them some corrective coaching?  It’s like when the sliding screen door has gotten off track and we are forcing it back and forth and it’s just not working too well. Instead of getting frustrated with the door, what if we stepped back, examined the situation and decided to approach it in a different way?  That’s what Oreo coaching is all about-begin with the top chocolate cookie layer and tell the team member something they do well, or one reason why you appreciate them or begin in a friendly way by using their name.  The next layer of cream is the corrective coaching-communicate what is not working or what needs to change.  The final chocolate cookie layer is ending on a positive note by giving them a word of encouragement or inspiration or that you believe in them and know they can get things back on track.

This morning my husband used my car to drop off our youngest daughter at school.  When I went outside to  leave my car was gone (The door was off the hinge!)  My car was parked behind his in the driveway and it was just easier for him to take mine, than move it to the street.  What he didn’t know was that  I was already running late.  I turned to my 13 year old and said, “I can’t believe Daddy took my car?  So when he pulled in the driveway, I began my Oreo coaching…..Honey, please let me know if you need to take my car next time because I’m running late.  Thanks! Three easy steps – Positive/Correction/Positive.  I shared this strategy with my sister who is an encology nurse and  she said, “What if they need a double stuffing?”  Well, as long as you do it in a friendly way, I guess you are okay.