While traveling back from Snowshoe, WV on Christmas Eve I was checking emails/voicemails/texts that sat in my in box for four days because I had no cell reception on the mountain.  This was one of the text, “Hey did u hear that Corrine Stickley (Buckalew) died in a plane crash with her kids, hubby (and co-worker) and dog…Jeff (her husband) was piloting the plane.”  I was stunned.  In a flash I tried to comprehend the horrific tragedy.  I thought about Corrine’s family in Greensboro and about my own family.

Then I thought about gratefulness.  Grateful that Corrine and Jeff came to our high school reunion a few years ago.  Grateful for the times we competed against each other in gymnastics and cheerleading.  Grateful for many things in an instant.

Corrine was an energetic, determined & talented woman.  Her sister highlighted her ability to push through any obstacles at the family memorial service on December 30, 2011.  So as you embrace 2012 – what obstacles do you need to push through to find true success in your life?  Think of these categories and rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being outstanding) Spirit, Family, Career, Health, Self, Finance, Community, Friends.  Pick a few of your lower score categories and write down specific improvements or goals you want to achieve for this year.  Post them where you can see them daily.

Earl Nitengale said, “You become what you think about.” Be courageous, think BIG for 2012 and push through your obstacles.