Today I accompanied a friend to a dental appointment to have five teeth extracted.  He was terrified and as we drove to the office, he started making ‘fear’ statements and remembering horrible past experiences of dental visits and negative things that happened after treatment was completed.  After a few minutes of listening to his issues I said, “It’s your choice.  You can look at the past and replay that scene over and over again.  Or, you can choose to look at today in a whole new light.  What’s in the past, is in the past.  You don’t have to play that cd again if you don’t want to.”  When we arrived at the office I stopped the car turned the ignition off, grabbed his hand and we said a prayer.  It calmed us both down.  

Give yourself permission to play a new mental cd.  Let go of past failures, past wrongs, past challenges.  They only define you if you let them.  Each day is a gift, so don’t let negative people or situations bring you down.  Make every effort to surround yourself with positive people and create the life you love.  Resist the temptation to go to the dark side and start moaning and groaning.  It’s all about choice.  There is a higher power we can lean on if you choose to have faith.  He can give you the fuel you need to get through the day.  Too often we get busy and forget to pray.  So stop now and say a prayer for yourself or someone in need.  Make it a great day!